Whistleblowing Channel

The “Whistleblowing Channel” is another key element of our Compliance System, which allows for speedy and direct detection of potential infringements or irregularities within the Group.

It is a safe and anonymous (if so desired) communication channel available to customers, employees, service providers, product suppliers, and all other stakeholders, so that they can easily inform of evidence or funded suspicions of any breaches of the law or our codes of conduct.

The Compliance Officer or the Compliance Committee of BIMBA & LOLA STUDIO, S.L. shall investigate every case, under strict confidentiality terms, especially regarding the identity of the person providing the information. Once the investigation is concluded, they shall present to the Group’s Board of Directors the findings and the corresponding recommendations to resolve each case.

The Whistleblowing Channel is activated by fulfilling the communication form below, and is regulated by the “Whistleblowing Channel Use Policy”.

Policy for Use of the Whistleblowing Channel and Whistleblower Protection

Communication form



* Obligatory fields

** If uploading more than one file, compress them into a .zip file

Contact details (optional)

We will only use this information to contact you for investigation purposes, and always under strict confidentiality terms. Should you prefer not to provide your contact info, please note that it will be impossible for us to gather any further insights from you or to ultimately inform you about the results of the investigation.

Any personal data that you may provide will be incorporated into a database owned by BIMBA & LOLA STUDIO, S.L., with head o!ce at Parque Tecnológico y Logístico de Vigo, Nave D13, 36315 Vigo, Spain. This information will be used exclusively to manage the report and/or to inform you about the result of the investigation. BIMBA & LOLA STUDIO, S.L., will respect the confidentiality of the information submitted. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing data portability and objection notice by sending a communication to